Here you can follow our experiences on our journey.
Britta experiencing small scaled organic farming
September - December 2020
Thanks for getting an insight what it means to practice organic farming on a small scale. Thanks to all the people investing their time, brain and physical force giving their best to produce healthy, qualitative, low energy consuming and tasty food with as little impact on the environment as possible.
Patrick@Home-Schooling: på grund av ... 2020... jej
October 2020
when the brain has to get some air....
Patrick goes back to school again
September 2020
Three years to go to become a technician in wood construction...
Britta goes agroforestry
September 2020
Producing healthy food for healthy people and a healthy environment... Vive la diversité !
stone by stone... trying another material than wood ;-)
and after all the dust, a shower for our 4 wheeled home:
pimp my house
June/July 2020
to the green heart of Austria
June 2020
Happy Easter!
the end or the beginning of a new era?
March - ... who knows? 2020
mechanics, gardening, wood working, and other stuff,...
from west to east in our home country
January - March 2020
home sweet home
January 2020
Snow days are fun days in Tirol. Snow, sunshine, mountains and friends...